
Malicious External Call

Flags contracts which calls external contract during token transfers, approvals and allowances

Context and definitions


  • External call
    • External calls are function calls that a smart contract makes to another smart contract.

Use caution when making external calls

  • Calls to untrusted contracts can introduce several unexpected risks or errors.
  • External calls may execute malicious code in that contract or any other contract that it depends upon.
  • As such, every external call should be treated as a potential security risk.
  • The use of external calls specially in transfers, approvals and allowances should be noted with high risk .

Reference article from Blockfence


$32M Stolen: Over 1,300 Fake Tokens Rugged (Full Investigation)

Look out for external calls being done to other contracts in functions like _transfer() , approve() , etc

  • Inside _transfer() external call to contract hhxnnadsa is being done to get balances, which is the root source of the underlying scam.
  • The external call tampers balances

API Results on the above contract



The API facet clearly marks the _transfer() and functions dependent on _transfer() as malicious