
Hidden Balance Update (High Risk)

Suspicious and/or malicious balance updations.

What Balance?


  • Lets say a user A (0x123…456) holds token (ie. USDC)
  • if he holds 1000 USDC, it means user A’s balance of USDC is 1000
    • balanceOf(0x123...456) = 1000

Malicious Balance Updation


  • Balance is usually updated during the invocation of mint burn , and transfer
  • Any other updation of the user's balance is directly not encouraged, and will be considered malicious
    • This is similar to tampering with your bank balance without your direct intervention

Sample Malicious Token Contract


Above is a basic ERC20 contract, with a additional function change_balance() .

The function change_balance() although looks simple has direct access to write/update balances which is dangerous for the security of the contract.

Exploit Case


Suppose let the above be the token contract of say Token ABC.

  • Lets say user A (0x123…456) holds 1000 ABC tokens
  • Now anyone can call change_balance() to update userA’s balance.
    • change_balance(0x123...456 , 100) will update userA’s balance to 100

API Output





The API identifies and flags contracts and respective functions contributing towards malicious and inappropriate updation of token balances.