Trugard API Documentation
This is a living document of our API for developers looking to add more actionable safety and risk insights for their users, customers, and investors. As a living document it will be updated frequently as we continue to advance the state of the art of machine learning, digital assets, and cybersecurity, while at the same time respond to feature requests.
Trugard's API is GraphQL-based affording users to optimize queries based on use case and/or role. All GraphQL APIs support three basic interaction models, Query, Mutation, and Subscription. For more information on this, please visit .
At the time of this writing, Trugard's API supports the Queries. Mutations Subscriptions, the ability for a user to make changes to a datastore and subscribe to changes respectively, may be supported in the future based on user feedback. If you have a use case for Trugard to consider Mutation support, please feel free to send us an email at .
Please visit our release notes page often as changes occur. As of this writing, Trugard supports contract inspection for contracts deployed by wallets. Support for contracts deployed by proxy, factory, and metamorphic contracts will be made available in subsequent releases.
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